Rueda De Casino Definizione


  1. Rueda De Casino Definizione Gratis

The Ruedastandard is a collection of classic figures in Cuban rueda de casino. Figures that you commonly need to know to join a social rueda. Click on the figure name for explanation and video of the figure, or on the headlines to see lists of figures by category.

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Rueda de casino definizione de

Closed position


In closed position the couples dance quite close, like in traditional couples dance. It is quite common to start a rueda in closed position.

Open position

Side by side




In open position the couple is connected with one hand (men/leaders left hand and women/followers right hand).

Guapeais the basic step in open position. Most rueda figures start from this position.

Some figures with the partners side by side, for example in a partner change with “dame una”.

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When you know the basics of rueda, it is time to have a look at the rueda culture and directions.

Closed position

  • aguajea / paseala / adentro y afuera

Open position


  • cero


Side by side

Rueda al medio

  • cubanito, cubanita:
  • enchufla y al medio
    • hombres derecha y mujeres izquierda

Rueda caminando

  • a lo cortico
  • cadena

Street Rueda

In the al medio position everyone is facing the center. In this position, direction may be given by derecha(= right) or izquierda (= left), in stead of arriba / abajo.Caminando means walking. These figures keep the rueda rotating continously. Rotation may be speeded up by calling camina!, anda!, vamos!.Street rueda (rueda de la calle) refers to easy rueda figures, tobe picked up in a social rueda. Not typical dance school figures,

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Rueda De Casino Definizione

Rueda De Casino Definizione Gratis

Video illustrativo delle figure da eseguire durante la rueda de casino da GUINNSE dei PRIMATI, dove verranno coinvolte 600 coppie. Per info 347.14.55.176. Rueda de Casino – Cuban Salsa Dance Wheel Dance Corner. Carlos teaches students the electric rhythms and moves of Miami-style salsa dancing. On Wednesday, January 8th, we are offering a Cuban-style Salsa Hat's nicht geschafft. Levels of Cuban Salsa Partner work, also known as Casino and Rueda de Casino - an. Casino refers to Cuban salsa. Several Casino figures are commonly used in Rueda de Casino, even though several of them do not involve changing partner, and therefore make the Rueda less dynamic. Here is our list of common Casino figures, most of them with a video.